I often wondered why people bothered to blog, why would anyone bother about what your thoughts are on anything, like their own thoughts aren't more than enough to keep them occupied all day long.
We get "check out my blog" messages all the time and we read stuff like "hi, it's monday, took a longer dump than usual...yada,yada..yada.." and we're supposed to go like, wow, cool!
Anyway, here's my take on it, we were originally created to last for eternity, we were destined for immortality but through the fall of man, Gods original plan for us was sabotaged by the dark side, well, God being God turned things around at the end and somehow restored us to our rightfull place in His original plan for us. Well thats a whole different story all together, but anyway, my point is, Humans (you and me) have an innate desire for immortality, simply because we were originally wired for eternal existence and purposes. However, because we are now faced with the inevitable, what we believe is our ultimate end, we try to satisfy that thirst for immortality by leaving behind a bit of ourselves, what we believe will live on even though we have passed on. Men of old documented their thoughts, experiences, passions in cave writings, scrolls and books, in the form of art, epistles, poetry and stories, and by doing so they avoided what they believed to be their ultimate end and have made themselves immortal, for although they have long passed, they live on in the hearts and minds of those who bother to read and share their memoirs.
Today, like the people of old we too are driven by a subtle thirst for immortality, and blogging in some way allows us to frame a thought, an experience, a moment of our lives, and nail it on the walls of eternity, and someday, somewhere, someone will find these pages of our lives and we too will live on!
Hence...welcome to my Blog! This is my first entry :-)
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