Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hey You!

There are things that you cannot influence or change, accept them, but for everything else, God made YOU. Let your thoughts evolve into words and action. If something can be done about the situation, YOU can do it. Do not wait for someone to start something when you have all the power within you to become that catalyst for change. All it takes is a drive from within, a push from your spirit, a willingness to be bold, to leave your comfort zone and a desire to make a difference.

You have it all. There are no excuses! Has your mouth been forced shut that words of freedom, liberty, blessing, encouragement and justice cannot come forth? Has your body been maimed that you cannot walk to those places your heart leads you to? to those people that are oppressed, to those suffering women and children whose burdens you desire to lift? Can you not throw your fist in the air to protest the injustices upon the innocent? can you not stretch out your hand in servitude to those in need? Has illiteracy gripped you that you are unable to read about those places and people that you know you can be a blessing to? Are you not able to hold a pen to write your letter of protest to those people in authority?
You are not maimed, you are able bodied, of sound mind and infinite capabilities, so why do you reduce your God destined role on this planet to be one of mere self preservation? Why do you ignore those cries and injustices around you that tug at your heart? Why are you not willing to step out of those “comfort prisons” that you have built around yourselves, preferring to stay within it’s secure walls and finally going to your meaningless end as someone who could have and should have but never had, who wanted to but never did, just a passing memory that will soon fade into the oblivion.
Look at the great men and women whom we read about, speak about, learn about, those people whom have long gone but are still alive and well in our thoughts and memories, those people whom through their tireless, selfless labour have made life for us what it is today. If you enjoy freedom today, it is because someone stepped out of his or her comfort zone and was willing to fight for a cause. If you enjoy your rights today it is because someone allowed the disdain that he or she felt towards the injustices of their time to translate into words and action. If you are a woman and you enjoy your right to work, vote and enjoy those privileges once only available to men it is because of those women who dared to speak up, speak against and make a stand against injustices towards women.
The list can go on and on if I were to write on every benefit you so thoughtlessly enjoy today because of the battles fought and the victories won by people who cared and dared! Do not just read about them, become one of them, never mind if your name will never be penned down in a history book, I assure you there is no greater reward to a human being than knowing that he or she made a difference, be it to a person, a people, a country, all that matters is that YOU could and YOU did.
Let us all break free from those comfort prisons, let our words of protest, of love, of encouragement, of change, become more than just empty talk over restaurant tables. Let your thoughts give power to your words and drive you to action. Become the difference that we need in this world, why? Because YOU CAN!


Why Bother to Blog?

I often wondered why people bothered to blog, why would anyone bother about what your thoughts are on anything, like their own thoughts aren't more than enough to keep them occupied all day long.

We get "check out my blog" messages all the time and we read stuff like "hi, it's monday, took a longer dump than usual...yada,yada..yada.." and we're supposed to go like, wow, cool!

Anyway, here's my take on it, we were originally created to last for eternity, we were destined for immortality but through the fall of man, Gods original plan for us was sabotaged by the dark side, well, God being God turned things around at the end and somehow restored us to our rightfull place in His original plan for us. Well thats a whole different story all together, but anyway, my point is, Humans (you and me) have an innate desire for immortality, simply because we were originally wired for eternal existence and purposes. However, because we are now faced with the inevitable, what we believe is our ultimate end, we try to satisfy that thirst for immortality by leaving behind a bit of ourselves, what we believe will live on even though we have passed on. Men of old documented their thoughts, experiences, passions in cave writings, scrolls and books, in the form of art, epistles, poetry and stories, and by doing so they avoided what they believed to be their ultimate end and have made themselves immortal, for although they have long passed, they live on in the hearts and minds of those who bother to read and share their memoirs.

Today, like the people of old we too are driven by a subtle thirst for immortality, and blogging in some way allows us to frame a thought, an experience, a moment of our lives, and nail it on the walls of eternity, and someday, somewhere, someone will find these pages of our lives and we too will live on!

Hence...welcome to my Blog! This is my first entry :-)